SCARI (Stream Crossing & Aquatic Resource Inventory) is a complete Roadway Watercourse Crossing Management System with a mobile application and a secure online database that is scalable and highly adaptive to fit any roadway tenure owner’s needs, from the largest corporate owner to the smallest private company, the SCARI system can be implemented to fit your program and needs. SCARI is designed to assess culverts, non-engineered crossings, log-fills, road-fills, suspended and reclaimed crossings.
SCARI Bridge is a separate mobile application designed to assess bridge crossings, and is part of the Roadway Watercourse Crossing Management System.
The SCARI (Stream Crossing and Aquatic Resource Inventory) Mobile Application is designed for assessing watercourse crossings and collecting complete datasets that are compliant with Government of Alberta regulatory requirements.
SCARI determines the risk ranking for fish passage of each crossing, identifies structural or emergency repair issues, and documents erosion and sedimentation problems. SCARI is intended for environmental consultants and individuals who have completed the 2-day training course.
The SCARI Dashboard is an interactive database that allows users to track the following:
Assessments collected on a map overview
Total number of predicted fluvial watercourse crossings
Total client road length
Completed inventory work
To-date number of crossings restored
Remaining inventory
Our Services
Client Training
Client training is comprised of a 2-day course, with an online and field training component. We can also supply a customized inventory assessment plan.
SCARI and SCARI Bridge mobile applications
Online client dashboard
Feedback and quality control of assessments completed by you
Annual Inventory summary
Annual restoration plans for submission to regulators
Planning, permitting and environmental oversight on watercourse crossing replacements or removals
Professional Assessments
We provide environmental consultants to conduct your roadway watercourse crossing assessments according to a customized inventory assessment plan.
Includes access to
Online client dashboard
Annual Inventory summary
Annual restoration plans for submission to regulators
Planning, permitting and environmental oversight on watercourse crossing replacements or removals
Mobile Application
SCARI is designed for assessments of culverts, arches, non-engineered crossings, log fills, reclaimed and suspended crossings. The SCARI application includes SCARI Lite