Watercourse Crossing Management Made Simple
The SCARI Program
SCARI (Stream Crossing and Aquatic Resource Inventory) is a comprehensive data collection and data management system designed to complete full cycle roadway watercourse crossing management.
SCARI is a scalable system and will ensure regulatory compliance for roadway watercourse crossing owners. The SCARI program manages all data for planning, operations, and historical record keeping in a spatial and temporal GIS that serves to correct the legacy failures of historic crossings that are harming the provincial fishery.
Key Features
SCARI is a suite of 7 applications for all watercourse crossing needs.
Interactive Dashboard with relevant road management layers.
Secure database to store all past, present and future inspections.
Dashboard overview page allows users to track crossing data by factors such as
Road length inspected
Breakdown of serious, some and no crossing risk
Number of crossing types inventoried
Number of crossing inspections assessed by year
The map overview page can query individual crossings or query through factors such as:
Risk to fishery, sedimentation and stream blockages.
Types of crossing and risk ranking of each inspection.
Safety concerns.
SCARI Online Dashboard
Client watercourse crossing data is stored in an online dashboard where it is managed for multiple uses. All data is spatially and temporally logged for record keeping, reporting, planning and compliance.
The SCARI database and dashboard make regulatory compliance with the Alberta Watercourse Crossing Program easy to achieve.

Get in Touch.
For inquires, support, or access to our applications please reach out through the contact form.